Edgel Family

Edgel Family
Excited for the arrival of our newest family member! Although Olive doesn't look like it...hehe.

Where are my contractions? - Dr. Visit 12/21

Ok, so I'm sure I'll be sorry I asked that question in a very short while, but I went to my almost-37-week visit today and I am already almost 4cm dilated and 80% effaced but because I am not having contractions I do not get to go to the hospital yet! That's a little scary to me because I just don't want to get in a situation where I can't make it to the hospital in time for my nice epidural. I've read things that say I could stay at this point for 2 or 3 more weeks, or she could come tonight, but I am 98% sure Edie will come within the next few days. Yay! Dr. says to lay low right now and pretty much decrease all extra activity because he doesn't want her to come for at least a few days since she would be fairly early and probably need time in the NICU. Very excited but also nervous for all that labor has to offer of course ;) Please keep us in your prayers and I'll keep everyone posted on my progress.

Edie Banner - 12/16

One last finishing touch to the nursery!

Week 36 Visit - 12/14 - She's ready to go!

Definitely surprised by the outcome of this visit today. Dr. Bray said I am 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated already. The baby is engaged in the head down position and is estimated to be 6 lbs! Last time I heard this same news at 36 weeks, Olive came 4 days later! We'll see. But she believes I will go into labor any day and definitely by 38 weeks at the latest. I am really excited about this news and would love it if we got to meet Edie before the New Year. Now my job is to just pack my bags and wait for the contractions! She wants me to monitor them closely as she expects me to dilate faster since this is my second pregnancy. Olive and I may be taking more walks over the next few days to speed things up :) Keep us in your prayers!

Nursery is Finished!

Thanks to the help of Mom and Chris, the nursery is now finished. Lots of cute things for baby Edie to look at. We decided not to paint the walls since we are just renting but it turned out really pretty despite that. Can't wait to show her! (Olive loves it already)

Week 34 Visit - 12/1

At this visit, Dr. Perkins guessed at the baby's position based on how my belly felt. She said Edie is lying oblique (see picture).
This might explain why I feel lots of movement on my side. It isn't the ideal position for delivery but I technically have 6 weeks left for her to turn. She says she's headed in the right direction so let's pray she gets there soon! I have also been throwing up quite a few times within the last week which Dr. Perkins explains is just part of the uterus pushing up on my stomach. She said to eat more frequent, smaller meals (which I have not been doing) so hopefully that helps. Her heartrate was fast today btwn 150 and 160 but she was moving during the whole examination so that might explain why. I am measuring 34 cm with blood pressure of 100 over 60 which is "very normal." Thankful for another great checkup! Next appointment at 36 weeks will include a cervical examination and a Strep B test. Getting down to the wire!